Would you like…..
- to attend an international Jamboree (a huge camp with thousands of young people and adults from across world) – a chance to try new things, meet new people and gain skills?
- Could you work as part of a team of 36 young people and 4 leaders from Guiding and Scouting to create a unique and awesome experience for you all, as you travel to South Korea, attend the Jamboree and explore the country?
- Are you prepared to fundraise towards the cost and attend the training / preparation events to help you get ready for this great opportunity?
If so applying to be one of the unit members of the LaSER patrol attending the next World Scout Jamboree could be for you!
LaSER will have a patrol of young people who will join 3 other scouting patrols to create a Unit who will spend 2-3 weeks travelling and living together as they take part in this amazing opportunity.
Young people need to have been born between 22 July 2005 and 31 July 2009 to apply. (If you are older there will be an opportunity to be part of the International Service Team (IST)
Learn about IST roles here
Deadline for submissions is Midday Friday 8 October 2021
How to apply?
- Download application form from the World Scout Jamboree page on www.girlguidinglaser.org.uk and return to international@girlguidinglaser.org.uk
- You can submit part of your application as either a written or video application
- Have any questions then get in touch international@girlguidinglaser.org.uk
Find out more in this downloadable pdf 23-Jamboree-Participants-Flyer.pdf