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Leadership development day

March 2 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Welcome to Surrey East county Leadership Development Day.

This is the chance for leaders in training to complete all or any of the 2 compulsory trainings as part of the Leadership Development Programme, face to face and in a fun, informal environment. 2 further trainings are available as an e learning but will also be available on this day.


If you are under 18 and would like to attend these sessions, we need the consent of your parent/carer first. Please contact us for us to send you a permission form 

9.30-11.00 Celebrating every member 

In this session, you’ll find out about inclusive decision-making and leadership, and how you can adapt activities and meetings so everyone can have a great guiding experience. You’ll also learn how you can support young members and volunteers and how to report discrimination.
By the end of the session you will:
-Know which forms can be used to support girls and volunteers
-Suggest ways to adapt activities and meetings
-Know how to report incidents of discrimination
-Recognise examples of inclusive decision making and leadership

11.00-12.30 Effective communication for leaders 

This session aims to encourage leaders to think about the bigger impact of communication – considering body language, tone, listening, and tone of voice in written communication too.
It will empower them to determine which style of communication is the best tool/media for communicating for their circumstances, and introduce the concept of managing difficult conversations.
By the end of this session, participants will:
-be able to think about the ‘bigger picture’ when it comes to communication – body language, tone and active listening and what it might mean
-determine which style of communication would be most appropriate for different audiences and circumstances
-identify the best tool/media for communicating for their circumstances
-To illustrate the various ‘tells’ of communication – eg body language.
-To demonstrate the impact of different communication styles on different audiences and circumstances

Break for lunch

1.00-2.30 Doing Our Best- recognising and celebrating quality in your unit (this session is available as an e-learning) 

This session will give you a better understanding of the Doing Our Best standards and show you how you can use them as a framework to review, celebrate and improve what you do in your own units. 
-By the end of the session you will: Know what the Doing Our Best standards are 
-Understand the ‘why’ of Doing Our Best and be motivated to use the standards 
-Use the checklists to identify your own good practise and areas for improvement 
-Develop an action plan and share your knowledge with others

2.30-4.00 Introduction to managing unit accounts (This session is available as an e-learning) 

This session will support you to understand your responsibilities in managing unit account. We’ll specifically look at the national accounts pack, but the principles and skills are transferable to all ways of recording accounts.
By the end of the session you will have:
-Discussed your responsibilities in managing units accounts
-Discussed the finance and property policies
-Examined the requirements of managing unit funds and accounts and maintaining good records
-Discussed the importance of budgeting This is a one hour interactive virtual session


March 2
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Categories:


Lorna Smith


Little Acres Lodge and Campsite
Horton Country Park, Horton Lane
Epsom, Surrey KT19 8PF United Kingdom
+ Google Map

Leadership development day

22 Going
3 remaining